Crisis in India

A crisis is taking place in India. Your giving can help people in need.

April 17, 2020

During the lock-down over the last two months, HBI India has been on the streets taking care of the immediate needs of food, water, and ministry to the migrant workers, the homeless, and those who live in the slums. Bobby Gupta and the HBI team have been working tirelessly in the thick of the battle bringing life-saving aid to many thousands of people and revealing to them the goodness and love of God. Many of you have participated in this time of unprecedented crisis. Thank you for being on team with us. Let me give you a quick update and a needed priority focus as we move forward.

Current Status of the Migrants:

Indian authorities have allowed migrants to go back to their home villages, families, and friends. This is good and yet challenging. To get there, some will travel by train or a vehicle of some kind if they have money and opportunity. But many will travel by foot, some hundreds of miles.

Even after they arrive home, they are finding rejection from the community and some from their own family. There is fear that the migrants will bring back the coronavirus with them. They also know that there are no jobs or sustainability without the migrant workers working in the city from where they came.

Our ministry has not ceased in the city to the homeless, the jobless, those in slums, and migrants not able to get back home. But there is a need for us to now think more about what is happening in the lives of those that we minister to across this nation through our churches, pastors, and church planters. These leaders are on the front lines of the battle.

The Front Lines

The hands-on, day to day fight is being fought by pastors and church planters. These devoted men and women have been diligently helping those in need since the beginning of the crisis on March 24th as the whole nation was brought to its knees by the Covid- 19 lockdown. However, many of our leader’s families have been barely surviving.

We have 1200 pastors right now on the front lines, many of them in our picture below when they were gathered at one of our conferences. They do not have the same opportunity that the pastors and churches of America have to continue support through giving on-line or simply dropping a check in the mail. They are on lockdown as well as their congregations. These faithful leaders have had little or no support during the crisis. We would like to change that if only to bridge the gap.

Food on the Table

We would like to put food on the table for one month for every pastor/church planter that is a part of our ministry. Today we are beginning to ask for God’s provision to supply $50 per pastor and his family to help them bridge the gap of their loss. We do not know what the future holds.  But let’s bring the gift of encouragement to these on the front lines of our ministry. You and I are the supply chain. Without them, we have no ministry and cannot fulfill our mission and vision.

Christian Organization

How can you help?


There are 1250 pastors and church planters.  These are our missionaries that are dedicated to reach the nation. Your gift of $50 will put food on the table for one month for a pastor and his family.  There are those of you who can support 2, 10, or 100 leaders. Any amount that you give will be greatly appreciated. The total goal is $62,500. 

As many are facing discouragement, loneliness, and lack of supply for their families, let’s send this gift of love to let them know that we are standing with them and believe in them.

You may simply push the donate button on this page and give to “HBI India” or mail your check to HBI Global Partners, PO Box 3037, Broken Arrow, Oklahoma 74013.  We will keep you up to date on where we are in meeting our goal.

Know that we are also praying for you as many of you are directly impacted by the Coronavirus.


We know that Jesus is still on the throne and will demonstrate His glory through it all.  Our prayer is that we will all find a way to be a part of that. 

Christian Organization
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