July 2023 Prayer Letter

July 2023 Prayer Letter

Greetings HBI Global Partners Prayer Team!!
Thank you for laboring with us in prayer!

Here’s your daily prayer calendar for

JULY 2023

Please note….we would love to hear from you and know how we may confidentially be praying for you!!

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1…CONTINUE TO PRAY for the Pre-Missionary Training for prospective church planters. 25 trainees have been attending from June 5 and will complete this training on July 4.

2…PRAY  for peace in India, especially in the state of Manipur that experienced over 100 churches burned down last month. PRAY for the many HBI alumni that live in this region as well as current students unable to get to campus for the new term because they are without resources or in hiding with their families. PRAY that a door would open for HBI to minister. PRAY for the courageous men and women who are committed to be a light for Christ even in the midst of grievous persecution.

3…PRAY  for two of our staff members who are on a mission trip in Uganda. PRAY that God would be glorified by every aspect of their trip, for divine appointments, and for spiritual strength for their team.

4…PRAY  for  the continued healing of Craig’s knee.  PRAY  for open doors to mobilize current and new partnerships on the Gulf Coast and in Tennessee, Arkansas, and Oklahoma as Craig will be traveling to those places in July. Pray for divine appointments and for the right connections to help take the mission to the next level.

5…PRAY for  the continued healing of Bobby’s shoulder, and for strength and energy for both him and Linnet.

6…PRAY  for the family of our former staff member, Bob. He passed away last month and is now present with Christ. PRAY for Janie, his wife, and their children and grandchildren, for comfort and provision in all things. “Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.” Matthew 5:4
7…PRAY for this semester of classes to go well for the Bible college. PRAY specifically for students who are struggling financially, that God would meet all their needs according to His riches in Christ.

8…PRAY for the new semester of online courses, specifically that all technological needs would be met, that all needed courses and books would be uploaded without issue and on time, and for the blessing of God on the students completing their studies online.

9…PRAY  for God’s  protection for the Bible college from the forces that would seek to undermine the mission of the college.  “But you, Lord, are a shield around me…” Ps. 3:3a
10…PRAY for  the  progress of the construction of the education center!  PRAY that the needed 2.1 million dollars will be raised and applied toward the matching grants committed to the project. PLEASE  PRAY  for the finalizing of civil contractor.
11…PRAY  for  our  newly  graduated residential students  who are seeking placement in churches,  missions  agencies, and  Christian organizations and professions  to find ministry opportunities and serve well.
12…PRAY for the women recently trained by our women’s ministry to effectively apply their training and be able to start new discipleship groups in their region. PRAY for upcoming women’s training in two locations, for good weather, attendance, and wisdom for the leader.

13…PRAY  for our  supporters to catch the vision  cast by Craig to pray daily from Matthew 9:37-38:  “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few, therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”
14…PRAY  for HBI GP office staff to function efficiently as a team to serve the supporters of HBI.  PRAY  for our efforts to add additional supporters and to keep our current supporters informed.  Thank you  for your prayers – we feel them!

15…PRAY  for  the $400,000 budget  to be met for the training of all new church planters this year.  PRAISE  the Lord for the $190,000 that partners have already contributed!
16…PRAY  for the development of teams traveling to visit India. PRAY for those currently committed to going this year, and for those hoping to go in the future.

17…PRAY  God’s wisdom and blessing on Malini as she directs the HBI administrative leadership team.
18… PRAY   for the HBI  networking staff as they reach out to needy communities  near the HBI campus with the hope of the gospel, prayers, and practical assistance.  PRAY for their  school ministries  to be fruitful and for the networking staff to stay healthy and continue serving with joy.  PRAY also for a sports ministry to be effectively started in two different communities.
19…PRAY  for the church planter trainees to have open hearts and be effectively developed in leadership skills.  PRAY  for the  continued financial support  of these faithful servants!  PRAY for the mobilization of 200 church planters to be trained in 2023-2024.
20… PRAY   for the  1400 dedicated church planters  on the frontlines who faithfully serve the Lord  in 23 states, doing ministry while facing much opposition. PRAY for their health, protection, and courage to stand firm in the Lord. ”My prayer is not that You take them out of the world but that You protect them from the evil one.” John 17:5
21…PRAY  for the recruiting and training of  laborers  for the harvest in a  specific unreached people group of five million souls. PRAY that God will send dreams and visions ahead of these laborers to prepare the way for these people to receive the Gospel.  PRAISE GOD  for the churches who want to support these laborers.
22…PRAY for indigenous, cross-cultural missionaries to be sent into the many regions of unreached peoples in India.  PRAY for the discipling of the nation of India.
23…PRAY  for God’s protection and provision at the Regional Training Centers (RTCs) and for the Director for Church Mobilization to facilitate training in the many centers.

24…PRAY  that needed renovations at various Centers go smoothly and on time, and with the funds to do so.
25…PRAY  for all the ministries of the RTCs: Schools, Community Programs, Adult Literacy Programs, and Church ministries.  PRAY for the various training programs – both non-formal and informal – in all our RTCs. PRAISE  for the increasing enrollment and success in promoting children’s programs at the RTCs. PRAY for God’s empowering for our directors, staff, and teachers, and that their lives and their teaching would magnify Christ.
26…PRAY  for protection for the children at our children’s ministries, and  PRAY for  the  recruitment of reliable, committed staff and teachers. PRAY  for new Child Development Centers in various locations.
27…PRAY  for the  parents of these children to be drawn to the Lord  as their children are ministered to through the above programs.  “But Jesus called the children to him and said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.'” Luke 18:16
28…PRAY  for HBI India staff and the leadership team, as well as their families, in various nations for 1) Spiritual and physical health and protection, 2) Strength and stamina to persevere, 3) Wise and fruitful use of time, and 4) Unity in serving the Lord.
29…PRAY for the upcoming Pastors’ Conference, that 1) all logistical needs would be met, including for the pastors traveling long distances to the conference, 2) $75,000 would be donated in support of this conference, and 3) that those preparing to teach and speak would be led by the Holy Spirit in all wisdom and discernment, that they would speak exactly what is needed for this particular group of pastors.
30…PRAY  for our 2025 Goal of training 2000 church planters, planting 20,000 churches, and discipling 2,000,000 to Christ!  PRAISE  that we love and serve a God who is  “not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.”  2 Peter 3:9 ESV
31…Reflection:  “Bless the LORD, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless his holy name!” Psalm 103:1

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