15 May May 2023 Prayer Letter
1…PRAY for Craig as he travels in NC and Texas this month. PRAY for his continued development of new partners for the ministry, safety as he travels, and divine appointments for sharing the gospel. PRAY also for continued healing of his knee, which is still painful.
2…PRAISE that Bobby and Linnet were cleared by their doctors for travel to the U.S. and for their safe travel getting here. PRAY for their trips to visit churches and ministry partners and that the Lord would give them strength and strong immune systems.
3…PRAY for our supporters to catch the vision cast by Craig to pray daily from Matthew 9:37-38: “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few, therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”
4…PRAY for God’s wisdom and enabling for two HBI leaders who are training staff at a Regional Center in Northern India.
5…PRAISE for the progress on the education center! PRAY for the successful testing of the pile foundation which is currently in progress. PLEASE PRAY also that God will continue to protect those who are working on the project, those who live around the project on the campus, and those who come in and out daily.
6…PRAY for our newly graduated residential students who are seeking placement in churches, missions agencies, and Christian organizations and professions to find ministry opportunities and serve well. Also, PRAY for our students who are home until the next school year starts in June, to find ways to serve and live out their faith.
7…PRAISE GOD that He has enabled HBI India’s women’s ministry to conduct training in an eastern part of India to teach women how to start discipleship groups. PRAY for our Women’s Coordinator who was in an accident on her way to this training – for complete healing, especially from a head injury. (She taught despite her injuries!)
8…PRAY for God’s protection for the Bible college from the forces that would seek to undermine the mission of the college. “But you, Lord, are a shield around me…” Ps. 3:3a
9…PRAY earnestly for our final effort to recruit for the 2023-24 school year (which begins in June), specifically that God will bring 50 total students for our residential programs.
10…PRAY for our staff member, Bob, as he begins his third intensive round of chemotherapy. PRAY for God’s healing of his blood cancer, stamina for the continued treatments and dialysis, and for strength and peace for his wife Janie (who usually does this prayer letter) as she waits at the hospital with him.
11…PRAY for HBI GP office staff to function efficiently as a team to serve the supporters of HBI. PRAY for our efforts to add additional supporters and to keep our current supporters informed. Thank you for your many prayers in the past year for our implementation of new computer programs. The staff is still learning but is feeling much more confident every month!
12…PRAY for the $400,000 budget to be met for the training of all new church planters this year. PRAISE the Lord for the $100,000 that partners have already contributed!
13…PRAISE for safe travel for the HBI GP board members and for a constructive and productive board meeting last month. PRAISE for a beautiful dinner held at a supporting church in Charlotte which introduced many new people to the ministries of HBI.
14…PRAY for the development of leadership teams traveling to India. Since 2020, team travel has been very limited and conditions have changed. Pray for the right people to go at the right time, and for wisdom in equipping travelers for successful travel and service.
15…PRAY God’s wisdom and blessing on Malini as she directs the HBI administrative leadership team.
16… PRAY for the HBI networking staff as they reach out to needy communities near the HBI campus with the hope of the gospel, prayers, and practical assistance. PRAY for their school ministries to be fruitful and for the networking staff to stay healthy and continue serving with joy.
17…PRAY for the church planter trainees being trained to have open hearts and be effectively developed in leadership skills. PRAY for the continued financial support of these faithful servants!
18…PRAY for a restful break for our school teachers and professors, for renewed commitment to training up the next generation, and for the time and energy for necessary preparations for the upcoming school term.
19… PRAY for the 1400 dedicated church planters on the frontlines who faithfully serve the Lord in 23 states, doing ministry while facing much opposition. Pray for their health, protection, and courage to stand firm in the Lord. “My prayer is not that You take them out of the world but that You protect them from the evil one.” John 17:5
20…PRAY for the recruiting and training of laborers for the harvest in a specific unreached people group of five million souls. PRAISE GOD for the churches who want to support these laborers.
21…PRAY for indigenous, cross-cultural missionaries to be sent into the many regions of unreached peoples in India.
22…PRAY for God’s protection and provision at the Regional Training Centers (RTCs) and for the Director for Church Mobilization to facilitate training in the many centers.
23…PRAY for all the ministries of the RTCs: Schools, Community Programs, Adult Literacy Programs, and Church ministries. PRAISE for the increasing enrollment and success in promoting the children’s programs at the RTCs. Pray for God’s empowering for our directors, staff, and teachers, and that their lives and their teaching would magnify Christ.
24…PRAY for protection for the children at our children’s ministries, and PRAYfor the recruitment of reliable, committed staff and teachers. PRAY for new Child Development Centers in various locations.
25…PRAY for the parents of these children to be drawn to the Lord as their children are ministered to through the above programs. “But Jesus called the children to him and said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.'” Luke 18:16
26…PRAY for the successful completion of much needed HBI campus renovations currently underway for the next school year.
27…PRAY for HBI India staff and the leadership team in various nations for 1) Spiritual and physical health and protection, 2) Strength and stamina to persevere, 3) Wise and fruitful use of time, and 4) Unity in serving the Lord.
28…PLEASE PRAY, as the new school year begins in June, for favor with government officials to grant positive action on the approval of school certifications and accreditations we have waited on for a long time.
29…PLEASE PRAY fervently for the peace of the nation, and that God will keep the way open for us to be able to continue to serve Him in reconciling the lost to Himself. “I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.” 1 Timothy 2:1-2
30…PRAY for our 2025 Goal of training 2000 church planters, planting 20,000 churches, and discipling 2,000,000 to Christ! PRAISE that we love and serve a God who is “not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.” 2 Peter 3:9 ESV
31…Reflection: “For at that time I will change the speech of the peoples to a pure speech, that all of them may call upon the name of the LORD and serve him with one accord.” Zephaniah 3:9
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