Both / And

Both / And


The Correlative Conjunction That Expands Our Reach

I’m sure you have heard, over the years, Christians say that their outreach priority should be local instead of international. “Why should we try to reach the other side of the world when our needs are so great here at home?”


I do understand how some can arrive at this conclusion. Even the early church had this problem until 1) Jesus confronted Peter in a vision on a rooftop that drove him to a Gentile’s home to preach the gospel (Acts 10) and 2) persecution dispersed the followers of Christ so that “those who were scattered went everywhere preaching the word.” (Acts 8:1-4)


Certainly, local outreach is important. No one is more aware of that than I am. The churches I have led have always been outreach-focused in their local communities. And personally, I reach out to people regularly, even yesterday.

But let’s take a closer look at the last thing that Jesus Himself said to His disciples before ascending to the Father in Acts 1:8. Most of us know what that verse says – or do we?


There is a correlative conjunction in that verse that totally changes the way we should approach outreach and missions.  


Acts 1:8 (KJV) says, “But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.” (Emphasis mine)


The concept of “both/and” is that it is all inclusive; not one or the other, nor one as a priority over the other. The command is to focus on all the above, all at once.

A practical application of that verse may look like this:  


Every church and individual can focus in prayer and practice in being witnesses

– both to their city region (Jerusalem),

– and to their nation (Judea),

– and to other nationalities within their reach (Samaria),

– and to the uttermost part of the earth (the far-reaching corners of the planet).


We live in the 21st century when communications, travel, and the bandwidth for relationships is far greater than any other time in history. The ability to multi-task is at an all-time high. To be blunt, there is no excuse for us to say that we cannot focus on all the above all at once, especially because it is what Jesus commanded us to do.

By the way, the early church eventually got it right. History says that even “Doubting Thomas” made his way to India and gave his life for the gospel of Christ. That kind of faith deserves a name change. “Courageous Thomas” would be more fitting.


That faith-filled, courageous spirit is still alive today in our missionary church planters who, like Thomas, pursue the cause of Christ with a willingness to lay their lives on the line.


Thank you for being the kind of people that live by the “Both/And” principle. Your faithfulness to this ministry is an act of obedience that fulfills the vision of Christ for the world.

Fulfilling His mission together!


Craig McLeod

Director of National Mobilization


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