
The following accomplishments of the fiscal year for HBI India have just been reported to the board of HBI Global Partners.   Celebrate with us in praise to God for all of this and so much more that He has done according to His grace and power...

1. Vision Set For Informal Training HBI has three levels of training - Formal, Non-Formal, and Informal. Formal is the college with masters and doctorate level courses. Non-formal are the village church planters that we speak of so often. Those church planters are under the leadership of...

      Did You Know? What Defines a Church?   When you hear that the 1400 church planters of HBI have planted 16,500 churches in India, what goes through your mind? No matter how you look at it, it is a miraculous movement of multiplication church planting.  But the one thing...

This picture is the entrance to HBI's campus in Chennai, India. Dear Friend, As you may have seen in the news, a catastrophic flood has covered the city of Chennai, India, a population of over 10 million people, and has impacted the HBI campus. The campus houses our...

Partner With Us To Raise $50,000 For Indian Church Planters.   Your gift of any amount will be doubled. Tomorrow is GivingTuesday, the day the entire world comes together to give back—and we set a big goal. We set out to raise $50,000 to provide training to indigenous church planters in India.   So far we...

Giving Tuesday Is One Week Away “Pastor Ben” and his family work among four people groups in East India. In the last six months, he has shared the power of the Gospel in several villages and seen miracles occur as God draws the unreached to Himself.   “John,”...

THE RISE OF A NEW GENERATION   (ALERT:  Contributions to train new church planters between now and “Giving Tuesday,” November 28th, will be matched up to $50,000.) As Bobby Gupta was speaking to the hundreds of church-planting missionary pastors at the national pastors’ conference this summer in India, he asked the...

AN AMAZING OPPORTUNITY Dear friends, GOD IS SO GOOD!!! One of our partners who has a heart and burden for winning and discipling the nation of India through the planting of churches has offered a matching gift of $50,000. This means that every dollar you give for the training of...

Life-Changing Annual Pastors' Conference Over 500 pastors and up to 200 students and staff gathered for a week of spiritual power, vision-casting, and training. The theme was, “THE GREAT REVERSAL IN CHRIST! Be Swift… Be a Servant… to Fulfill the Mission of God.” Even with persecution...

GOD CHOOSES THE MOST UNLIKELY Image from Pastors' Conference 2023 I recently had a conversation with the director of INEC, India National Evangelical Churches, the church-planting arm of HBI. Just before the annual pastors’ conference a few weeks ago, where hundreds gathered to be strengthened and encouraged, some church...

A BRIEF REMINDER Image from Pastors' Conference 2022 To our valued partners, Continue to pray for the pastors’ conference for indigenous leaders. This will be “in process” as you read this letter. The impact of that gathering has great implications in reaching the nation of India for Christ. Simply pray...

Did You Know? What is a “people group”? You will often hear the term “people group” when describing what Jesus meant when He said, “…make disciples of all nations…” The word for nations is “ethnos,” which can be translated “a tribe, nation, or people group." In 1982, the...

PRESENT WITH POWER Why are there so many stories of answered prayer, miracles, healings, and people coming to Christ in places like India and around the world, but not necessarily in the U.S.? The pastors with HBI India are simple church planting pastors. Many of them are...

Pastors’ Conference Many hundreds are traveling from across India for a high impact week for the annual pastors’ conference. Last year 800 attended. This is not just another conference. These are the elite laborers coming home for healing, encouragement, and further training. Pray for the $75,000 to cover...