We Need Your Help With Flood Relief

We Need Your Help With Flood Relief

This picture is the entrance to HBI’s campus in Chennai, India.

Dear Friend,

As you may have seen in the news, a catastrophic flood has covered the city of Chennai, India, a population of over 10 million people, and has impacted the HBI campus. The campus houses our college and administrative headquarters. If you can help on any level, it would be greatly appreciated.

Following three days of the heaviest rain in 45 years, they were hit with a cyclone that forced the city of Chennai to release water from several reservoirs where the dam was at risk. The flooding is widespread and catastrophic, 12 feet in some places.

If you check out this video link of the flood on campus, you will see water at least up to half calf, some parts knee high. Anyone living or working on the ground floor of offices or homes had to be evacuated. The compound wall fell on the southern part of the campus by the adjacent river.

The water is finally receding after 3 days. The initial need to begin restoring damages is $30,000. I’m sure the total will be greater than that.

Can you join others to help us start the clean-up and restore what is needed to get HBI back on track? The college classrooms, administrative offices, and homes of professors and staff have been impacted the most. Everything has come to a halt as they navigate temporary work and school spaces.

Any monies above the repairs will be used to serve the families in the surrounding community. HBI has had great opportunity in the past to demonstrate the love of Christ in crisis.

Any size gift would be greatly appreciated. You may send the check to HBI Global Partners and notate “Flood Relief”. Or click DONATE on this page and give on our web site to “HBI India”.

We do not want to lose the momentum that we have been experiencing in recent days.

Your support in prayer and resources has been such a great blessing. We so appreciate your partnership.

Feel free to respond if you have any questions.

Fulfilling His mission together,

Craig McLeod

National Director of Mobilization

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