Present With Power

Present With Power


Why are there so many stories of answered prayer, miracles, healings, and people coming to Christ in places like India and around the world, but not necessarily in the U.S.? The pastors with HBI India are simple church planting pastors. Many of them are without much education, money, or resources, and yet they are having great success in advancing the kingdom of God.


They disciple people to Christ. They plant church after church. I don’t know the percentage, but a large number of these churches are planted after these men pray for unbelievers in their homes. There are many healings and other answered prayers. It doesn’t always happen right away, but it is common.

“Why there and not here so much?” People in the U.S. regularly ask me that question. I don’t know the answer. But I have often wondered….

Is it because of their consistent devoted prayer life, including fasting? Certainly, that doesn’t hurt.

Is it because they are not as distracted by Western resources and conveniences? Maybe.

Is it because they are discovering the Bible for the first time and simply believe what it says? I’m sure that has something to do with it.

Or is it because the need is so great and without viable alternatives? Does the sense of desperation call for a persistency in prayer and faith that is uncommon to us?

Whatever it is, it is a living demonstration that what Jesus said to His disciples has come true.

“Assuredly I say to you that there are some standing here who will not taste death til they see the kingdom of God present with power.”  Mark 9:1. What we are seeing is a near reenactment of the book of Acts.

These humble servants will soon come together once again for the annual Pastors’ Conference. They will share their stories of victory and challenge. They will speak of persecution but with a sense of peace and even joy that cannot be easily explained.

These are not your well-known television preachers. They are not pastors of large churches (though most have planted many small churches). You will not read about many of them, as their stories will go untold. They do not do this for the glory or the fame. They do it in obedience to the One who has loved them and has given Himself for them.

Pray for this special time of coming together. Maybe you would like to help make sure that these pastors can make it to this year’s conference from across India. The total cost for about 800 people is $75,000.  That covers travel, room and board, and other conference expenses. Gifts great or small will be greatly appreciated. You can either Click Here to give online, or you can send a check to: HBI Global Partners, P.O. Box 3037, Broken Arrow, OK 74013. Mark on the check, “Pastors’ Conference.”

Thank you for continuing to pray and support HBI Global Partners. It is your gracious involvement that is paving the pathway for more people to come to Christ and for more churches to be planted. It takes all of us working together.

Fulfilling His mission together,

Craig McLeod
Director of National Mobilization

 Did You Know?

There is an easier and more tax efficient way to give through your IRA? It is called a Qualified Charitable Distribution. If you are 70 ½ or older, you can make a gift of up to $100k directly to charity through your IRA. Because you make the gift directly from your IRA, the distribution is not counted in your taxable income. This means you avoid having to recognize the income and help us fund our mission! Please visit our website for more information or to talk with someone about an IRA gift.

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